
Information requirements vary greatly by the type of business you run and by where you are in your business lifecycle. For example, if you’re just starting out, you will probably just be excited when your financial reports tell you that you have paid all of your bills and that there’s still money in the bank. If you’re a large established business, then you’ve probably have a pretty clear picture of where all your money went but may want a better way to understand what the future looks like. In either case, RedBlade Solutions can help you.

At RedBlade Solutions, we work with the people, processes and systems you already have to maximize their value.

  • If you don’t have the data you need, we can help you develop a way to collect it

  • If you have the data but reporting is unclear, we can help you develop simple analytics to determine what is happening

  • If you have lots of reports from different sources, but none of them seem to relate to each other or appear contradictory, then we can help straighten out the relationships, understand where reports differ and why you may or may not want to make them more similar

  • Once you have improved your understanding of the business, RedBlade solutions can help you communicate throughout the company to enhance performance and drive results

In the articles that follow, we will take a look at different elements of information handling to give you some ideas about how you might like to run your business. Use the ideas on your own if you wish. But if we can help to implement some of the ideas you like, we look forward to working with you.